Monday, September 14, 2009

FRIENDS, how many of us have them.


So, last week i took myself from a couple of things. I took twitter and my best friend Tiffy away. I just needed to be alone. I was feeling so lonely that I didnt want attention from anyone. Or, I felt that they couldnt give me what I wanted. It was hard, and nice at the same time. I spent all the time i needed on MYSELF. I didnt depend on anyone to show me a good time or make me laugh. Although it broke our hearts being away from eachother, she let me have my time to myself...which was nice.

Its okay to take a break from people that you love, if you find yourself lost and not giving you YOUR own time to love yourself, take a few days to evaluate whats going on. Its perfectly FINE! Plus, missing someone lets you remind yourself just HOW important they truly are.


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